Monday, March 24, 2008

An Epic Tale

Chapter one

The Beginning

Once upon a lonesome day, the past came back, yet nothing stayed.
Then the oceans scarred the skies, the earth had snuffed the fire
and cried "Follow my path and you shall see, the whispers flying
over me. Feel my corpse under your wrath, and finally see your
sinful path. Kill my friends and steal my limbs, I will re-grow
once again. and though my children love no more, I will hold those
that I bore. All that's left are the whistling skies and a dying
mother by it's side. Your fire is gone and your oceans dying, where
passion travel, and thoughts are lying, with this all, I know
you'll learn, evil ways and good in turn."
No one heard these mourning words, only whispers, and muffled
slurs. With that, the mother drifted away, while the skies refused
to play. While earth came morbid, the oceans passed. To darkness,
the children have been cast. They all fell down to join their
mother, dead and broken, cold and cover. All children sobbed, at
least but one. She saw this all before it had come. She felt an
awkward gaze upon her. "Was she here? The ghost of mother?"
Although this young one knew this prophecy, she told none, to keep
her sanity. A small voice laughed inside, as she wished she wasn't
so shy. All she could think was thoughts of apology, but that
wouldn't help these people in need.
The woman looked about, watching family dying out. All feelings
weakened, everything bare. She helped the others with love and
care. Yet none, but one, survived the fall of mother, No one around
to hold and to love her.
The young one spoke aloud "Is there none as strong and proud. There
must be ONE amongst this world! Denying the thought, her stomach
As she watched, beauty faded through the trees "Father has forsaken
me." Nature started to turn to dust, all the while buildings rust.
Luna forced the moon to red, the sun left us all for dead. Stars
have dissipated unto the night, disappointment of being right.
At last the despair was sinking in. She begged forgiveness for her
sins. Staring and the silent skies, the treeless forest, wondering
"Why?" Mourning for the dried out ocean, hoping for the fire's
She still heard the screams and cries, picturing the saddened eyes.
knelt down by a body past, wishing that this wouldn't last,
"It's just a dream and nothing more, I'll awaken and watch the days
upon us sore, I'll spread the word of a time such as this, I will!"
she shouted, "This time I promise."
She let out a soft whimper of a whisper "This time I promise."
In the distance, a shadow of a man. Was this apart of the fathers
plan? Starting to run like sky does with rain. She yelled out
"Brother, we're one in the same. Wait for me, for I don't hold the
rules to this twisted game."
he turned to face her, so she could see. "You're not human, unlike
For he had wings and a healthy grin, he held secrets in his eyes of
sin. "No, child I am not your brother, nor do I understand the fall
of the mother." His grin disappeared softly and harshly, "However I
know what started this 'game' T'was me, not on purpose, I am to
With a tear rolling down his cheek he told the story of Adam and
Eve, "I loved mankind and all beauty within, God said no, but I
never listen. I wanted them to see the things I see, Like wisdom,
and knowledge, as well as beauty. I gave but the greatest gifts
that people only love today. Yet forgiveness never came my way. I
am the morning star, you've heard of the devil, I am the angel who
lead all the rebels. To be human meant being alive, to be more than
a soul is what I thrive. They knew no truth, no knowledge, no care.
All those things I had to share. Indeed I gave the apple from the
tree, 'No' they shunned, 'God has forbidden me!' I kept pushing for
they didn't know all the beauty they could behold. They knew not
that they too could create, Their own world, or even a small
debate. I was created to do this deed, to be the sinner demon,
unseen. Is it not wrong to be forbidden from forgiveness?"
"I caused people sinning everyday overwhelming God, so thus I
prayed. I wanted forgiveness, but not for me. For all mankind and
all that be. I came to help in this time of remorse, it seems I'm
to late, each body's a corpse."
She stared as Lucifer fell to his knees on the ground, She knelt
down beside him to say what she found. "I know you have suffered
while you prayed and you cried, you wanted to help while Jesus had
died." She slowly reached out to dry off his tears, "However, it's
beauty that most people fear."
As she stood she looked down at 'Satan,' the famous angel who God
had forsaken. Looking deep into his tear soaked eyes, she had
decided that the time was nye. "Take my hand. There is still hope,
even dying men can cope. You are not the one to blame, putting
yourself in a pit of shame. I know not where my journey starts or
lie, yet I cannot watch the suffering by."
She reached out softly yet shaky with care "We must change this
dying scare."
He took her hand, on his face grew a smile. He rose from the dirt
with precision and guile, "With this, forgiveness will come! Our
brothers again, joining as one." Gracefully sung by the fallen
angel, they both knew they were battling hell.

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